SSU – High-efficiency, versatile new coating equipment
SSU(Smart Spray Unit) is “a new concept module for coating system, which optimizes and diversifies spray-coat performance. SSU was invented under the support of “Monodukuri Kakushinjigyo 2013” sponsored by METI of Japanese Government.
Mikro Kosmos Inc. obtained a patent in February 2017. (Patent No.6095081)
Product Name: SSU (Smart Spray Unit)
SSU improves on the following problems facing in the spraying industry.
- Reduce the paint consumption (Approx 10-40%)
- Reduce the time of spraying
- Improve the quality of spraying
- Improve the working environment
- Reduce VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emission

Product Features and functional features
Product features
Movable : SSU has casters which allows you to use it anywhere you like.
Explosion proof
Functional features
- Treatment of carrier gas: SSU treats carrier gas with dehumidification and purification to make it a high quality and send it to spraying gun.
- Air storage: SSU stores the treated carrier gas into a tank prepared between compressor and spraying gun. It prevents the pulsing flow of carrier gas and stabilizes its flowability to prepare better (lower pressure) spraying condition.
- Warming and its retention: SSU warms the treated carrier gas and its air hose retains the temperature, which can make even higher viscosity / less solvent paint easier to spray.
- Choice of carrier gases: SSU can use other carrier gses like nitrogen than compressed air, which means SSU can be versatile module for not only “coating” but also “ohter sprayings”.